What do You need to Know about Dental Crowns?

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Dental crowns in Downtown Toronto are part of a popular aesthetic dentistry procedure in Canada to improve a smile’s appearance besides enhancing the functionality of your teeth. However, what precisely are dental crowns, including the composition, the expectations before and after getting them and the side effects, if any?

This article looks at dental crowns in detail to inform you when you might need one and why they are essential for your teeth.

Dental Crowns Explained

Dental crowns are similar to caps you place on your head for protection from harsh sunlight or other conditions. However, the cap works like a dental crown to protect a different part of your body. In contrast, dental crowns resemble snug hats placed on a discoloured, misshapen, and damaged tooth as a long-term solution to restore its functionality and appearance besides its shape and size. Dental crowns are also beneficial as a hardened shield for weak teeth damaged by repeated fillings of other dental procedures. Therefore dental crowns effectively improve the function and appearance of a natural tooth.

Reasons You Might Need a Dental Crown

Dental crowns in Downtown Toronto, recommends dental crowns for different reasons, including:

  • Covering and supporting a tooth with extensive fillings.
  • Protecting a weak or cracked tooth.
  • To protect a tooth after endodontic therapy.
  • For improving the appearance of a misshapen or discoloured tooth.
  • Holding to dental bridges or covering dental implants.

The primary reasons people need dental crowns include severe damage to a tooth from decay eroding over 50 percent of its structure. In addition, dentists suggest replacing the missing tooth structure using a dental crown because they are more resistant than fillings to fractures and help seal the tooth better.

Your molars often receive dental crowns if they have recently and endodontic therapy. However, you can also have a front tooth crown if you have one misshapen or damaged from impacts on your mouth or merely misshapen or discoloured for various reasons.

Materials Helping Make Dental Crowns

Different kinds of materials help make dental crowns customizable to appear like the tooth it is fixing. The materials chosen for the restoration vary according to the tooth’s location, function, the colour of the surrounding teeth, your budget, and preferences. The Little Italy dentist will select a material based on your unique needs after tooth preparation. Materials favoured by most patients for dental crowns include composite resin, porcelain fused to metal, porcelain, and ceramics, besides metals like gold and stainless steel for molars.

What to Expect During the Dental Crown Procedure?

You can set your expectations high when visiting the Downtown Toronto provider to fix your discoloured, damaged, or misshapen tooth. However, do not express disappointment when the dentist informs you that you must wait for at least three weeks after tooth preparation for you can get a permanent Crown tooth placed over your affected tooth.

The dentist may also tell you that if you have infections in your tooth, you might require treatment for the condition before starting the preparation process. Expect the dentist to take x-rays to verify its condition before giving you local anesthesia in the mouth to remove tooth structure to accommodate a permanent restoration over it.

Soon after preparing your tooth for repairs, the dentist impressions it for the dental laboratory to customize your dental crown according to your preferences and places a temporary acrylic crown over the prepared tooth for protection until the dental lab returns your customized restoration in three weeks.

You receive advice from the dentist not to eat crunchy or hard foods with the temporary crown for fear of pulling it off accidentally. You must endure the temporary crown for at least three weeks before having your tooth fixed with a permanent Crown.

You can revisit the dentist three weeks later to get the temporary crown removed and the permanent restoration placed after evaluating it for colour and fit. The dentist completes fixing your tooth without indulging in procedures besides applying special dental cement to the crown and placing it over your tooth.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns can stay in your mouth for between five to 15 years, depending on the care you provide and your mouth-related habits. You can extend its longevity by another five years if you maintain excellent dental hygiene, receive six monthly oral prophylaxis, and seek treatments for practices like bruxism that make you grind and clench your teeth.

Dental Crown Side Effects

You can expect to feel soreness in your lungs surrounding the tooth that received the restoration after regaining sensation from the local anesthesia administered by the dentist. The soreness remains with you for about a week or more before subsiding. If you notice the crown is not correctly placed or appears loose or see gum recession and the base of the crown, you must contact your Dentist in Downtown Toronto for the correct crown placement.

If you have a damaged, misshapen, discoloured, or a weak tooth, Rusholme Family Dentistry provides dental crowns to restore the tooth’s appearance and functionality in two short appointments. Kindly consult them to have your tooth fixed to regain full mouth functionality and appearance.