7 Symptoms You Need Root Canal Therapy

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Root canal therapy is a dental procedure performed by a dentist to save a tooth that has been damaged or infected. Knowing when you may require this treatment can help you approach it proactively and avoid severe issues with your teeth in the future. If you notice any of these symptoms, look for root canal therapy near you so you get the right care from a dentist who solves your issue, thus saving your teeth.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure that treats the insides of the teeth. When the pulp or soft tissue of a tooth is severely infected or damaged, a dentist performs the root canal to save the tooth by removing the infected pulp. The inside of the tooth is cleaned, then a cavity is filled with special material and sealed by a crown or a filling to protect the tooth.

7 Signs that Indicate You Need Root Canal Therapy

1. Severe Tooth Pain

Initial signs that a root canal may be necessary include severe pain in a specific tooth.  In most cases, this pain will be intense and throbbing and might get worse when you chew or bite down food. If you have a tooth that hurts a lot and if you haven’t been able to stop the pain for quite some time, it could mean that the pulp within the tooth is infected or damaged and requires treatment.

2. Tooth Sensitivity

If you experience sensitivity in your tooth to hot or cold food and drinks that might fluctuate or remain constant, then it could be another sign that you need endodontic therapy.

3. Gum Disease

Swollen or tender gums surrounding a tooth can indicate the need for a root canal. Red or swollen gums in the area can also be present. Swollen gums might be caused by an infected tooth that has injured the gum tissue. There can be a small pimple-like bump seen on the gums, which often releases pus. To avoid further complications, it is essential to visit a dentist immediately for dental care.

4. Discoloration of the Tooth

If one of your teeth becomes darker or discoloured, this might be an indication that there is internal damage. A change in the colour of a tooth, especially greying or browning, might be an indication of infection in the pulp of the tooth. These are root canal symptoms that indicate that you might need treatment from a dentist to treat the damaged nerve and save the tooth.

5. Persistent Bad Breath

Bacteria from the infection may produce an unpleasant odour. Persistent bad breath, known as halitosis, could be a sign of an infection within a tooth. If you discover that your breath does not improve even after brushing and cleaning, this could be a sign that you need endodontic therapy.

6. Loose Tooth

When a tooth starts getting looser or unstable, it could be a sign that infection in the root is spreading and weakening the tooth structure. A loose tooth is another sign that may indicate a need for root canal treatment.

7. Jaw or Facial Swelling

Swelling in the jaw or face can result from an infected tooth. These indicate that the infection is beginning to spread. Therefore, to prevent it, one should seek a dentist for endodontic therapy as soon as possible.

Does a Root Canal Hurt?

Root canal therapy is usually not painful. During the procedure, the dentist uses anesthesia to numb the region around the tooth, so you won’t feel any pain. The discomfort following the procedure usually lasts for only a couple of days. This is normal and can be controlled using painkillers recommended by a dentist.

Tips to Prevent Root Canal Treatment

The following tips may help keep teeth healthy and avoid the need for endodontic therapy:

1. Brush Your Teeth Daily

Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Brushing helps to remove food particles and bacteria from the mouth, thus helping to have good oral hygiene.

2. Floss Regularly

Floss your teeth daily to remove the food particles and plaque between the teeth. This helps to prevent gum diseases, tooth decay, and more issues.

3. Visit a Dentist Regularly

Regular dental checkups and cleanings are crucial. During the checkup, the dentist detects issues earlier and treats them at the initial stage, thus preventing dental complications.

4. Do Not Chew Hard Foods

Watch out for hard foods such as popcorn kernels or ice that could break or crack teeth. Additionally, avoid using teeth as tools to open packages or for other uses.

5. Wear a Mouthguard

To prevent damage from these activities, wear a mouth guard when playing sports or grinding your teeth at night.

Follow the above-mentioned tips to reduce the risk of getting a root canal. If you notice any signs, such as pain or swelling, contact your dentist immediately for treatment. Early treatment may help to prevent the need for more serious treatments, such as root canals.

Quality Dental Care for Your Family at Rusholme Family Dentistry

Rusholme Family Dentistry offers quality dental care in a welcoming environment for patients of all ages. Our team of Little Italy dentist offers a comprehensive range of services such as root canal therapy, teeth whitening, tooth extractions, and more to ensure the health and beauty of your smile. We focus on creating a comfortable and welcoming environment, ensuring each patient has a positive dental experience. Contact us today to achieve excellent oral health.